Hot weather can absolutely have an effect on your home’s plumbing. Heat causes metal pipes to expand further, which can lead to leaks or pipe breaks if the system is old. In addition, heat waves can lead to loose soil.When this soil settles, some homes experience cracks in concrete, water pipes or sewer pipes. As temperatures increase, it’s important for residents to keep an eye on potential plumbing issues. Here’s how to detect some of the most common problems:
- Leaking pipes:Hot weather isn’t friendly to pipes. Visible leaks from rusty pipes are easy to see. If your water usage spikes, it can be a sign you have a break somewhere in your plumbing.
- Slow or clogged drains: Sometimes slow or clogged drains are the result of having lots of parties and barbecues with friends and family throughout the summer or just having more people at home in general. They can also be caused by obstructions from plant matter or tree roots.
- HELPFUL TIP! To avoid any blockages, ensure none of the following is washed down the sink:
- Coffee granules
- Oil and grease
- Food scraps
- Paper towels
- Wipes
- HELPFUL TIP! To avoid any blockages, ensure none of the following is washed down the sink:
These are just a few of the items commonly flushed down the sink that can cause expensive-to-fix clogged drains!If you ensure nothing unusual ends up down your sink and prioritize cleaning out the sink and pouring a kettle of hot water down the pipes every few days, you should keep the drains clear of clogs!
- Backed-up sewer pipes: Increased usage over summer can lead to complete blockages.
- Low water pressure: This usually means you have a leak somewhere in the supply line and it can also mean it’s time to upgrade an old pipe system.
If your water bills are abnormally high or you detect low water pressure or drains that seem clogged, hot weather may directly or indirectly be to blame. To solve the problem as soon as possible, contact the experts at Trenchless Pipe Repair immediately for a high-tech and thorough plumbing inspection.
Remember, your biggest priority should always be prevention! Preventing drainage and plumbing problems during the summer and hot weather is extremely important, and our pros are here to help!