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It’s important to understand your options when relining your plumbing. Your best decision is the one that gives you the biggest benefits. It is better to reline your pipes instead of replacing them completely. Leaving your old pipes in the house will save you time and money by avoiding unnecessary excavation and construction, not to mention avoiding the enormous cost of a job of that scale.


The old pipes are reconditioned to better than new condition when they are pipelined. Time is saved in this process. As a matter of fact, the process is fairly straightforward: an impermeable layer is placed inside the pipe and expanded, creating a perfect seal. As a result, the aqueduct becomes stronger and more reliable.

Trenchless Pipe Repair specializes in trenchless pipe repair in Minnesota and provides the best services. We’ve served the local community for decades with years of experience.


Trenchless Pipe Repair uses cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) exclusively. Featuring polyester pipelines coated with resin, this membrane is state-of-the-art, providing maximum flow with its strong and flexible bodies. There is no better material for the job than this pipelining because it is so durable and strong.

Professionals from our company are equipped with top-of-the-line machinery, so your home and property are well taken care of and no mess is created in the process. Our professionals conduct the installation process in a methodical and systematic manner. They follow the same proven steps every time.

Relining Process

The existing pipes are first cleaned out with high pressure water. This creates an area for the CIPP. Our team then snakes a camera through the pipe, looking for cracks, roots, and damage. Our technicians can guarantee high-quality service by understanding the depth of the problem.

We heavily coat the liner in resin, then use a special tool to insert the liner throughout the entire length. The liner is pressed against the pipe walls using a device similar to an inflatable balloon. The sewer line can be reconnected to your home and sewer system once all tools have been removed and the liner has completely dried.

Plumbing Guarantee

All phases of the project are completed quickly, thus reducing downtime of your plumbing system. Our team understands the importance of plumbing issues. During the process, you can be assured that our highly-trained professionals will treat your property with the highest level of respect.

Lining your drain pipes with CIPP is the best method to repair them. The turn around time is fastest, there is less mess, and the results are unbeatable. Our team at Trenchless Pipe Repair has the most experience in your area, so your drain pipe lining will go smoothly. Get in touch with Trenchless Pipe Repair today if you are in the North Branch area.


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